Geographical location of Medjugorje

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Geographical location of Medjugorje - map and description

Interactive map of Medjugorje

Medjugorje is located in the southwestern region of Bosnia and Herzegovina, country on the Balkan peninsula, Southeastern Europe. The Balkan Peninsula is located between the Adriatic and Black sea.


Where is Medjugorje? - Geographical location of Medjugorje - map and description. It is located in the southwestern region of Bosnia and Herzegovina, country on the Balkan peninsula, Southeastern Europe.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is bounded by Croatia on the north and west (border length 932 km), by Serbia on the east (border length 312 km) and by Montenegro on the southeast (border length 215 km). Air distance by geographical latitude and longitude is north-south 314 km and east-west 309 km. Bosnia and Herzegovina covers totally 51.209,2 km2. Clime in Bosnia is majority continental, and mediterranean on south (Herzegovina), where is located Medjugorje. Capital city is Sarajevo. Official languages are bosnian, croatian and serbian.


The parish of Medjugorje is situated in the region called Herzegovina, 25 km southwest of Mostar. Herzegovina is situated between two regions: a mountainous region to the north and a coastal region to the south. The mountainous wall to the north holds back the circulation of atmospheric masses from the Mediterranean, creating favourable climatic conditions for various vegetal cultivations in the area of Herzegovina. The whole region is inhabited by Croatians who received Christianity 13 centuries ago. The present parish was founded in 1892 and dedicated to St. James the Apostle, protector of pilgrims.


The name MEDJUG0RJE is of Slavic origin and it means "area between two mountains". The territory of the parish spreads out at the altitude of 200 meters above sea level and has a mild Mediterranean climate. The population currently numbers about 4300 inhabitants. In historical documents, the village was mentioned in 1599 for the first time.


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